bza029 -- Māra disturbs the Buddha’s rest 云何無事務

別譯雜阿含: bza029 雜阿含: za1090 BZA English: 別譯雜阿含英譯 SN: SN,I,110 (Sakalika)


如是我聞:一時佛在王舍城 曼直林中。


「沙門瞿曇在王舍城曼直林中,於其初夜坐禪,經行,至中夜前洗足,入房,右脇著地,足足相累,繫心在明,作於起 * 想。我今當往,而作壞亂!」

爾時魔王化作 * 摩納,在如來前,而說偈言:

云何無事務    而作於睡眠
安寢不[寤-吾+告]寤    如似醉人 *
人無財業者    乃可自恣睡
大有諸財業    歡樂快睡眠

爾時世尊知魔來 * 嬈亂,而說偈言:

我非無作睡    亦非醉而眠
我無世財故    是以今睡眠
我多得法財    是以安睡眠
我於睡眠中    乃至出入息
* 皆能有利益    未 * 甞有損減
寤則無疑慮    睡眠無所畏
譬如有毒箭    人射中其心
數數受苦痛    猶尚能得睡
我毒箭已拔    何故而不睡


「 沙門瞿曇 * 已知我心!」


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為因我故眠    為是後邊故
多有錢財寶    何故守空閑
獨一無等侶    而著於睡眠




不因汝故眠    非為最後邊
亦無多錢財    唯集無憂寶
哀愍世間故    右脇而臥息
覺亦不疑惑    眠亦不恐怖
若晝若復夜    無增亦無損
為哀眾生眠    故無有損減
正復以百槍    貫身常掘動
猶得安隱眠    已離內槍故




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Māra disturbs the Buddha’s rest

Translation of BZA 029. First version published in Buddhist Studies Review vol. 23-1 (2006).

Thus have I heard, once, the Buddha was staying near rājagaha in the Maddakucchi Park.60 During the first watch of the night, the Buddha [practised while] sitting in meditation and walking. When the first watch ended, he washed his feet and entered his abode, laid down on his right side, one leg resting on the other and, focusing his mind on clarity, directed his thoughts towards rising [again after the rest].

King Māra the Bad, understanding the Buddha’s mind, had this thought: ‘The renunciant gotama is in rājagaha in the Maddakucchi Park. During the first watch of the night, he [practised while] sitting in meditation and walking. When the middle watch of the night began, he washed his feet, entered his abode, and laid down on his right side, one leg resting on the other and, focusing his mind on clarity, he directed his thoughts towards rising [again after the rest]. I should now go and disturb him’.

Upon this, King Māra turned into a young man, [stood] in front of the Tathāgata and spoke a verse:

Do you have nothing else to do // that you take a nap,
peacefully slumbering, not waking up? // Passed out like a drunk,
a person without wealth and property // how can he sleep untroubled?
[Only] those with great wealth and property // pleased and happily do fall asleep.

There the World-honoured One knew that Māra had come to disturb him and spoke this verse:

I sleep, not because I lack things to do // neither am I drunk.
It is because I have no worldly wealth // that I can sleep now.
It is because I have gained great Dhamma wealth // that I can sleep peacefully.
In my sleep // in every breathing in and breathing out
There is benefit // nothing is lost.
Awake, there are no doubtful thoughts; // there is nothing to fear in slumber.
There are those that have troubles as if a poisoned arrow // has pierced their heart,
afflicted with many sufferings and pains // if even those can sleep,
Why should I who have pulled out the poisoned arrow // not find sleep?

On hearing this, Māra thought: ‘The renunciant gotama knows my mind,’ and sad and dejected he returned to his palace.

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